Panish, A., & Nam, H.H. (2023). The neurobiology of political ideology: Theories, findings, and future directions. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, e12916. spc3.12916
Nam, H.H. & Sawyer, K.^ (2023). Scientific supremacy: How do genetic narratives relate to racism? Politics and the Life Sciences. ^Equal co-authorship
Nam. H.H., Sawyer, K., & Style, H.K. (2022). Understanding anti-Asian sentiment and political behavior in the wake of COVID-19. Politics, Groups, & Identities. doi: 10.1080/21565503.2022.2137051
Nam, H.H., Jost, J.T., Meager, M.R., & Van Bavel, J.J. (2021). Toward a neuropsychology of political orientation: Exploring ideology in patients with frontal and midbrain lesions. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 376, 20200137.
Krupnikov, Y., Nam, H.H., & Style, H.K. (2021). The use of convenience samples in political science experiments. Handbook of Experimental Political Science (eds. James Druckman and Donald Green).
Nam. H.H. (2020). Neuroscientific approaches to the study of system justification. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 34, 205-210.
Andrews, T.M., Huddy, L., Kline, R., Nam, H.H., & Sawyer, K. (2019). The political complexity of attack and defense. Behavioral and Brain Science, 42, E117.
Jost, J.T., Sapolsky, R.M., & Nam, H.H. (2018). Speculations on the evolutionary origins of system justification. Evolutionary Psychology, 16, 1-21.
Nam, H.H., Jost, J.T., Kaggen, L., Campbell-Meiklejohn, D., & Van Bavel, J.J. (2018). Amygdala structure and the tendency to regard the social system as legitimate and desirable. Nature Human Behaviour, 2, 133-138. (Study materials, data, and syntax)
Nam, H.H., Jost, J.T., & Feldman, S. (2017). The neurobiology of fairness and social justice: An introduction. Social Justice Research, 30, 289-299.
Nam, H.H., & Jost, J.T. (2014). Which American way? System justification explains ideological differences in opposition to the "Ground Zero Mosque." Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 17, 552-559.
Jost, J.T., Nam, H.H., Amodio, D.M., & Van Bavel, J.J. (2014). Political neuroscience: The beginning of a beautiful friendship. In H. Lavine (Ed.), Advances in Political Psychology (Vol. 35, Suppl. 1, pp. 3-42).
Nam, H.H., Jost, J.T., & Van Bavel, J.J. (2013). "Not for all the tea in China!" Political ideology and the avoidance of dissonance-arousing situations. PLoS ONE 8(4): e59837. (Study materials)
Hennes, E.P., Nam, H.H., Stern, C., & Jost, J.T. (2012). Not all ideologies are created equal: Epistemic, existential, and relational needs predict system-justifying attitudes. Social Cognition, 30, 669-688.